Monday 1 July 2013

Temple, temple, temple!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

. Reunited at last. This was a happy happy day! Some of my bestie sisters and I at the mission conference
 Mostly the best thing in the world this week was that we had a mission conference on Wednesday. That means that I got to see EVERYONE I love!!! And to top it off we got to go to the temple! Pretty much that never happens and they went through a lot of work to make it so that all the missionaries could go. It was the BEST! Seriously. The perfect day.  I'm pretty sure we were a little out of control when Sister Ogletree, Sister Stobbe, and Sister Hyer and I were all reunited but I didn't even care. All of them have been out full proselyting and I have missed them! The temple was amazing. I love the peace there. It just carried with me throughout the week. Not being able to go to the temple all the time has really made me appreciate it more. I have gained a strong testimony that the temple truly is the House of the Lord. The work done there and the things that we learn there are real, it is true! I love it!

So I've been sick, sick, sick the past few days. I think I have West Nile Virus... just kidding. But seriously... maybe. Apparently West Nile isn't as serious as most people think. Only about 1/150 people have very serious symptoms, the rest of the people have very mild symptoms or no symptoms. Anyway most people probably don't care, but that's the hypochondriac coming out in me. Being sick on a mission is the absolute worst. I feel worthless. Plus I am crammed up laying on a mattress at the Visitors' Center all day. Lame. 

We taught Kara this week on the phone! She is the best! I feel so blessed to have had all these opportunities to teach people in the online mission. Kara is moving soon to another part of Kentucky. It is so cool to me how we meet them at the exact right time. It would be hard for her to meet with missionaries right now because she is getting ready to head out and all the fellowship and everything would be in a ward she won't be attending. But now we can teach her and help her progress until she gets to her new ward and can really get going there. Miracles!!!

Transfers are next week. That's exciting. I love the area that I'm at and being with Sister Morris but I am pretty sure I'm heading out. I've been at the VC for awhile. It will be fun to see where I end up. I've felt like I've been in a mild shlump for a little bit, which is never a good thing, and certainly not a good thing on a mission. Maybe I feel this way because I've had a fever for 3 days...  Either way change is good. It will be good to get out of my comfort zone, because the Visitors' Center has certainly become my comfort zone. It will be good to get a new companion to learn from and a new area with new challenges and new people to invest faith in. I am excited. 

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