Week one is done and I love being on a mission! Seriously. Love it. I
love it so much I get really spazzy excited some times.This week has
been great! I can't even believe that I have only been here a week. It
feels like forever. I have been learning so much it is almost
overwhelming, but I love it. It is like EFY x 1000. So yeah. I love it.
My companion's name is Sister Ogletree. She is the perfect companion
and we complement each other really well. She is from Dallas, Texas and
went to BYU Idaho. She is going to Independence as well. She is super
fun and funny and we have a good time. She is also really chill, which
is helpful because I tend to spaz out a bit here sometimes. The other
sisters in our district are also great. Sister Wilson is going to
Independence with us and Sister Semones is going to Carlsbad, CA. All
the elders in our district are going to Carlsbad. Their mission borders
the Anaheim mission, which is really cool! We have an Elder Call in our
district. He is this hilarious farm boy from Idaho. Sooo that always
gets us a lot of funny comments.
The MTC has been super humbling, probably not too surprising because I
wasn't super humble to begin with (look how humble I am admitting
that!). Heavenly Father has really helped me understand my weaknesses
and where I can improve in my teaching. I have been learning a lot
because of that.
My teachers at the MTC are great and I am
learning a lot. Mostly we have a lot of fake people that are looking
into the church. We plan lessons for them and learn how to talk to
people and meet their needs. It is actually really fun and great
practice for getting to know people. We also study gospel topics and
have a lot of personal study time to work on what we want. I have
already learned so much about teaching and teaching by the spirit. I
love it!
I was assigned to be coordinating sister for the zone. I was a
little overwhelmed when they called me because it was our second day,
but I am really excited now. Basically I am like the relief society
president for our branch and I help look after all the sisters in the
zone. I also help with zone trainings and such. I am really grateful for
the calling because I think it will help me learn a lot. I have found
that I tend to sit back sometimes in social situations here because we
are with people all the time and that is my way of being independent. I
know it will help me really think of the needs of others and will force
me to get to know the sisters in my zone, which is a great thing. I know
that Heavenly Father knew that I needed the extra help. We get three
new sisters in the zone today, so today will be my first day! Its
Yesterday (Tuesday) was a really great day. It started out as my
worst day here so far. I was getting homesick because we didn't get any
mail on Sunday or Monday and was just feeling a little overwhelmed. We
had a lesson in the morning and it was okay, but my perfectionist
overachieving tendencies came out and it wasn't good enough. And then we
had TRC appointment with an investigator that we had never met. I WAS A
MUTE. Seriously. Luckily Sister Ogletree is a really great talker, but I
said maybe four things and was freaking out because I felt dumb and
didn't know what to say. It was pretty bad. And then I was pretty
bummed. After that we went to gym. It was okay but I was getting really
good at throwing myself a pity party. Then we had some study time and it
was an answer to all my prayers. I was studying in Doctrine and
Covenants about teaching by the spirit. I came across D&C 68:5 which
basically says the Lord will give you what you need to say, and then I
read verse 6 which says "wherefore be of good cheer and do not fear, for
I the Lord am with you and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record
of me, that I am the Son of God..." And I realized that I was being so
fearful. I was lacking confidence in myself, which is the dumbest thing.
This is the Lord's work and he will be there with me. I am not helping
anyone by selling myself short and second guessing myself. I have
learned already that this is His work. Heavenly Father loves all his
children so much, so he won't let me fail and he will help me teach his
children. Then we had this awesome devotional by Elder Kophishke and his
cute wife. They just said everything I needed to hear. I went to bed so
happy and so excited to be here that I almost couldn't sleep. I am so
grateful for the scriptures and the peace and inspiration they give us.
God is so good to us and blesses us so much more that we even deserve! I
can't wait to see my testimony and the testimonies of others grow
throughout my mission.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012 -
katie and me |
mom wanted to hear my voice one more time |
Uncle Rog & Aunt Angie, Kylie, Kendall & Sadie take me to the MTC |
Uncle Roger taking me to the MTC |
LOVE this girl! |
big hug!!! |
I'm officially Sister Call | | | | | |
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
My Bestie Marin!! Enjoying Yogurtland with me! |
Katie was my companion for the day and took me to Heber to see my students. |
No, this is not Angelina in Africa, this is me at JR Smith Elementary |
We had the best year in 2011-12! These kids will go places in life! |
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